
Photography services

We make our digital captures with a Canon EOS 5DS SLR 50.6 Megapixel camera. This incredible camera gives us a file filled with such sharp detail, that we can photograph a tiny painting and make a much larger print. 

PHOTOGRAPHY- Digital Capture of Artwork= $50 per painting

10 or more paintings at once = $40 per painting      
Custom Photography for 3-D flat art, reflective paint, or gold leaf, etc. = additional $25 

Although each photographic capture creates a large, high resolution file that’s able to print large format, printing is never ’required’.  Our photography prices cater to those who just need good files for the web, competition entries, gallery submissions, etc. If you’re ready to print, there’s a process of color matching that needs to occur for an accurately matched print. Contact us today to arrange an appointment!